Open the self assessment questionnaire to compare the questions with your answers
Open the self assessment questionnaire to compare the questions with your answers
Many employers don’t believe they have a gender pay gap in their business and can be surprised by the results of a pay gap analysis.
Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s Gender Pay Gap Calculator is a great tool to identify gender pay gaps within your workplace.
Pay inequity is just one of the many drivers of the gender pay gap. Achieving gender pay equity in your workplace is a process that takes time and significant effort.
Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s guide to gender pay equity provides step by step guidance to support undertaking this process in your workplace.
By gathering research and data you can present a compelling argument for why gender equality is critical to your business’s success.
Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s business case for workplace gender equality and Women’s Health Victoria’s Gender Equal Workplace online microcredential training provides compelling information to help build a case.
A gender equality strategy provides a blueprint for accountability that outlines key actions, who will lead them and by when.
Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s Gender Strategy Tool Kit provides a comprehensive guide and tools to help your workplace on the journey to achieving gender equality.
A flexible work policy is a great way to support staff with family and caring responsibilities. It is a great step towards gender equality and will help you attract and retain the best talent.
Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s flexible work page provides comprehensive guidance and tools to support your workplace in providing flexible work arrangements.
Employer-funded paid parental policies, especially those that are gender-neutral, foster a more equal division of unpaid care and paid work, and improved family work-life balance.
Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s parental leave page provides comprehensive guidance and tools to help your workplace embed a gender-equitable parental leave policy.
Anyone can experience sex-based discrimination and harassment, regardless of their sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or intersex status.
Respect@Work provides guidance and tools on taking action against sex-based discrimination and harassment, and Women’s Health Victoria’s Understanding Sexual Harassment in the Workplace training can also help deepen your understanding of what can be done in your workplace.
WHV’s Understanding Sexual Harassment in the Workplavce training
Australians from all demographics experience family and domestic violence, impacting their productivity, mental health and wellbeing, and safety at work.
Women’s Health Victoria offer training that is designed to help managers and other staff respond in a safe and supportive way to disclosures of violence.
Fair Work’s employer guide can help workplaces to understand their obligations and put support processes in place to support staff.
Training is a great way to build knowledge, skills and confidence of employees with regards to gender equality.
shEqual offer two foundational training packages on gender equality in ads and ad workplaces.
Training is a great way to build knowledge, skills and confidence of employees with regards to gender equality.
shEqual offer two foundational training packages on gender equality in ads and ad workplaces.
Women are underrepresented in key decision-making roles in all industries in Australia, including advertising.
The Business Council of Australia, McKinsey & Company and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency teamed up to undertake a study and they came up with an evidence-based recipe for success when it comes to progressing women in leadership.
Also read our shEqual article about programs and initiatives that are aiming to increased female representation in leadership across the ad industry.
When making your workplace more gender equitable, it’s important to make this a priority by checking in on a regular basis. If you would like shEqual to check in on your progress, sign up below