Gender equality
in the workplace

Workplace gender equality will be achieved when everyone, regardless of gender, can equally access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities and progress at all levels. The aim of gender equality in the workplace is to achieve broadly equal opportunities and outcomes for women, men and gender diverse people, not necessarily outcomes that are exactly the same for all.

Ad professionals who participated in The shEqual Survey identified the following as key areas that they wanted to see workplace gender equality action:

Transparency on and access to pay data

Implementation of family-friendly working environments
(for all genders)

Transparent policies for reporting instances of sexist harassment within workplaces

Workplace Equality Pulse Check

Take our 2-minute Workplace Equality Pulse Check to see how your workplace is progressing towards gender equality. After answering these questions you will directed to information, tools and resources to support you to improve gender equality polices and practices in your workplace.

Has your workplace done a pay gap analysis?
A pay gap analysis helps employers to identify gender pay gaps within their workplace which is a critical step towards gender equality.
Has your workplace achieved pay equity?
Pay equity refers to equal pay for work that is of equal or similar value. It’s not just about equal wages, it also includes other income like discretionary pay, allowances, bonuses and superannuation.
Has your workplace got a business case for gender equality?
A business case for gender equality is a strategic planning and decision-making document that presents the rationale, benefits, costs and risks of progressing action on gender equality. A good business case should also include the costs and risks of inaction
Does your workplace have a gender equality strategy?
A great gender equality strategy is like a compass that sets a clear direction and provides a solid plan of action for your workplace.
Does your workplace have a flexible work policy?
A flexible work policy allows employees to work with their workplace to create working arrangements that help them balance their work and personal commitments. Flexible work options include changes to hours, patterns and locations of work.
Does your workplace have a policy that supports employer-funded paid parental leave?
Employer-funded paid parental leave is an employee benefit offered to an employee when they or their partner have a baby (including stillbirth, surrogacy and adoption). It is in addition of government funded paid parental leave entitlements.
Workplaces to provide equal pay for work of equal or comparable value The removal of barriers to the full and equal participation of women in the workforce Access to all occupations and industries, including leadership roles, regardless of gender; and The elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender, particularly in relation to family and caring responsibilities
Does your workplace have a policy to prevent sexual harassment and sex discrimination?
Australian employers have a responsibility for ensuring a discrimination-free and harassment-free workplace. Many workplaces have specific policies that address sexual harassment and sex discrimination, while others incorporate it into a broader workplace behaviour policy.
Does your workplace have protocols to support staff experiencing family violence?
The Fair Work Act ensures that all employees experiencing family and domestic violence are entitled to flexible work arrangements and leave. However not all workplaces have policies, procedures or staff with the appropriate skills to support employees who are making a disclosure of violence.
Does your workplace offer training about gender equality?
Training, including workshops and online learning modules, can help to build employees’ understanding of gender equality and the impact of gender inequality.
Does your workplace support leadership development opportunities for women?
Leadership development opportunities include formal training, education and skill development courses, conferences, networking, mentoring and sponsorship.

The next screen will give you tools, actions and resources to fill in the gender equality gaps in your workplace

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