Take action on
gender equality

Everyone can take action against sexist ads.

It can be difficult to know where to start when wanting to take action to address gender equality in the advertising industry. This tool is designed to direct you to information, tools and resources best aligned to your areas of interest. Select the areas below you’d like to learn more about and to see what actions you can take.

To learn about why sexist ads are so dangerous, read the Advertising (in)equality: the impacts of sexist advertising on women’s health and wellbeing paper, which investigates the link between advertising and gender inequality.

Advertising (in)equality

shEqual is Australia’s first coordinated effort to promote gender equality and address the drivers of violence against women in the advertising industry. Learn more about our strategy to drive change by reading our national framework, Seeing is Believing.

Seeing is Believing

Nearly 600 advertising professionals around Australia shared their thoughts with us about on the state of gender equality in the industry. Read The shEqual Survey Snapshot Report for a summary of our findings.

shEqual Survey Snapshort Report

Deepen your understanding gender inequality and learn how you can support progress in advertising content creation and in advertising workplaces by completing our two online gender equality in advertising training courses.


The voices of advertising professionals are critical in driving meaningful change towards gender equality in the industry. Hear first-hand experiences of Australian advertising professionals facing gender inequality in their workplaces and learn how to take action towards creating a more diverse and inclusive industry.

Behind the Ads Detailed Survey Analysis

Hear what Victorian community members had to say about sexist and harmful gender portrayals in advertising and what action should be taken, by reading the Community Responses to Gender Portrayals in Advertising research paper.

Community responses research

Our Content Creation Checklist for Gender Equal Ads can help you embed gender equality, diversity and inclusivity in all kinds of content creation, from advertisements for large brands to internal comms documents.

Content Creation Checklist for Gender Equal Ads

The use of stereotypes in advertising remains prevalent and can be extremely harmful. Check out of SH!FT in Advertising resources to learn how you can identify, avoid and challenge the use of stereotypes in ads.

H!FT Female Stereotype in Ads Guide.

Everyone in the industry has a role to play in challenging stereotypes. Watch our SH!FT video series, and hear what industry leaders think about the use of stereotyping in advertising and what the industry can do to moving past then use of them.

SH!FT gender stereotypes video series

Women and girls still remain underrepresented in advertisements. Learn more about this and why it’s a problem.

Underrepresentation of women in advertising

Some brands argue that sexualised imagery is empowering, but they’re wrong. It’s dangerous. Read more about the sexualisation and objectivation of women in ads.

Sexualisation and objectification of women in advertising

Sick of sexist ads? Learn how to report or make a complain about sexist ads and learn what other actions you can take to stop sexist advertising.

Reporting Sexist Advertising Toolkit

Employing pro-female talent, messages and imagery is empowering to women and girls… right? But what about when it’s exploited by brands to sell more products. Learn more about femvertising and why ads that aim to fixing women aren’t empowering.

Let’s get real about femvertising

Some brands need to get real, some are on their way to getting equal and some are going beyond the ad and truly getting involved in gender equality.

Can ads get equal with femvertising?

We know that sexualised and stereotyped ads promote attitudes that are linked to violence against women. But how do we know this? Read Connecting the dots – How sexist advertising drives violence against women, to learn more about the link between violence against women and sexist ads.

Connecting the dots

Doing an ad analysis can help you to think critically about the content you create and consume, and the impact this has. Learn how to do your own ad analysis and start to call our sexism and stereotypes in ads.

How to do your own ad analysis