
We are shEqual,
a movement for
advertising equality.

Advertising is powerful and persuasive. It sells us messages about what is desirable, who is valuable, and how we should treat one another.

shEqual is an Australian movement to use that power for good.

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Since launching in 2020, shEqual has built connections with the advertising industry, run educational campaigns for consumers and industry, and created research and resources to support the creation of more gender-equal ads.

shEqual is an online resource supporting industry and community to understand the role of advertising in creating a better, safer, and more equal world for all people.

If you have any questions about shEqual, you can contact

Women’s Health Victoria 

Women’s Health Victoria

shEqual is led by Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) – a statewide women’s health promotion, advocacy and support service with a history spanning more than 25 years. Proudly independent, feminist and not-for-profit, WHV launched shEqual in 2020 as part of their multi-year project exploring how to prevent and address gender inequality in advertising.

shEqual is the culmination of years of research, advocacy and engagement with advertising industry and brand representatives. It forms an important part of WHV’s vision of ‘Women living well – healthy, empowered and equal’.

Download Advertising (in)equality 

There is more work to do

shEqual is the first coordinated effort in Australia to promote gender equality and address the drivers of violence against women in the advertising setting.

It’s our mission to raise industry and public awareness, reinforce positive behaviours, and empower people to take action in shaping how women are represented in the stories we tell and consume.

shEqual is guided by a national strategic framework, Seeing is Believing, and takes a ‘whole-of-system’ approach to driving change, working across three priority areas: industry culture change; empowering community; and regulation and policy.

Download Seeing is Believing

The Labia Library is an initiative of
Our other services and initiatives